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We, as Women in Fisheries Society(WFS), are promoting traditional fish canning methods as a solution to “Post Harvest Fish Loss” (PHFL) which is a major issue of blue sustainability in order to disseminate the principles of blue economy which are set to sustainable use and protect the seas.
Conditions such as Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, climate change, pollution, invasive marine species are serious threats on seas. Those threats have significant negative impacts on environment and society.
“Blue Economy” is the solution to those problems. The concept promotes the sustainable use of marine resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, jobs and marine ecosystem health and improves human well-being and social equalit, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological shortages.
While the Principles of Blue Economy are globally accepted and disseminated, it has not yet been sufficiently known and practiced in Turkey. Therefore, as WFS, following the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No.14, we have adopted the blue economy approach since our foundation in February 2019. We have been conducting activities which both make use of the marine resources in a healthy and efficient ways and protect it.
According to FAO, annual PHFL in global marine fisheries between 2010 and 2014 was 10.8% of the total harvest amount. On the other hand, studies carried in Turkey shows that, the PHFL rate is between 6% and 45%.
That is why, we started the Blue Planet Blue Jobs Project (BPBJ) funded by the United Nations GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) in 2020. It focuses on the “Post-Harvest Fish Loss“ (PHFL) as a major issue of Blue Sustainability and has been promoting traditional methods of processing and canning fish, which are widely applied in developed countries, but not in Turkey.
The project also includes communication and training activities for public and fishers to process and can their discard fish and demonstrating the easy, practical, economic and nature-friendly way of preserving fish. By this way, we aim to reduce PHFL in harvest season, at the same time raising awareness on marine sustainability.
Innovative Blue Job Model
Moreover, we have just created an innovative “blue job” model which can be exemplary for a sustainable blue economy in our country. By establishing a Traditional Seafood Processing Facility(TSPF) and Blue Growth Academy(BGA) in İzmir, we aim to raise awareness among small scale fishers on ecosystem-conscious fisheries and reclaiming discarded fish caught in season. We aim to raise awareness about eco-sensitive fisheries and bring back the discard fish to the economy that are harvested in the season by processing and canning them conventionally.
This project will address UN SDG 14.b. providing access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets.
So far our studies shown us that the environmental, social, economic and cultural changes have a direct impact on SSF and small-scale fishers have difficulties a lot to adapt these changes. Fisher families (especially Fisherwomen in Turkey, who are almost regarded as non-existent in the sector due gender discrimination) problems, are the disadvantaged groups in sector are being primarily affected by these issues such as climate change, economic problems, pandemic and natural disasters.
Moreover, small scale artisanal fisher families in our country, are struggling poverty or quit their jobs due to:
- Unconscious and overfishing,
- Climate change and pollution,
- Destruction of marine ecosystem,
- Depletion of marine resources,
- Distortion of biodiversity including invasive species,
- Poor and mishandling of fish during processing, distribution, sales and storing,
- High-level PHFL
- Unavailability of up-to-date and correct vocational information
- Diminishing in the already-low incomes.
By starting the Traditional Seafood Processing Facility and Blue Growth Academy initiative in Izmir which will be first in our country,
we aim to:
Our project is, innovative and transformative for 6 reasons;
According to the 2020 data of the Turkish Statistical Institute, the rate of small-scale vessels in the entire fleet is 92%. Therefore, SSF is significant in our country for full-time employment and welfare in coastal regions.
However these regions are often disadvantageous in terms of investment and education. Coasts of Izmir where our project will take place, is one such region with the numbers of 3,131 small-scale fishers. In addition, a total of apprx. 30,000 employees work for 65 companies in the fisheries sector in Izmir area. Blue Growth Academy shall offer education to these fishers, companies and employees in the medium and long term.
Furthermore, TSPF will also contribute to the sustainability of the marine ecosystem and resources, will constitute blue growth model for SSF. As WFS, we will pioneer and continue to spread of this blue model throughout the other regions in Turkey and continue to offer the opportunity for additional income and education to more coastal and inland artisanal fishers, within and after the project.
This project will impact poverty reduction, livelihoods creation, and/or gender equity.
Name of Bank: T.C. İŞ BANKASI
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