To improve learning environment in primary schools
We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who we are to beguiled demoralized by the charms of pleasures that moment, so we blinded desires, that they indignations.
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The 21st century, a period in human history characterized by the transition from traditional industry era to an information and communication by technology era, called Digital Age.
Globally, rapidly changing and developing digital tools with today’s technologies have changed our lives socially, economically, culturally and individually.
Moreover, with the COVID 19 pandemic that started in March 2020, these digital tools have become a necessity for the continuation of social life and economies.
And yet, as a NGO, we realized that we need to work harder and faster, due to the increase in inequalities and the obvious importance of living in harmony with nature, during this pandemic.
For these reasons, as the Women in Fisheries Society, we decided transform our work to digital and thus improve our institutional capacity.
We started to improve our digital capacity with our project called “Digital Transformation of Blue Works”, which we initiated within the scope of the Digital Transformation Fund in the Field of Environmental Sustainability, implemented by the Support Foundation for Civil Society , in cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Turkey Mozaik Foundation.
Within the scope of our sustainable marine economy studies;
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Abidin Daver Sok. 7/1
Çankaya – Ankara